Every year, mentors from the open source organizations participating in Google Code-in tell us there are things they wish students understood before they started working on tasks.
Google Code-in is a contest introducing 13-17 year old pre-university students to open source software development. Google Code-in Contest Started On Dec 7, 2015 and will end Jan 25, 2016. If you’re going to take on coding tasks, you should be comfortable using the basics of least one coding language (C, C++, Python, Java, Javascript, Go, etc.). If you aren’t completely confident in your skills, you may wish to start with a documentation task which can help you become more comfortable with the code. If you are more comfortable with HTML and CSS, consider taking on a task related to a project’s website content.
Register In Google Code-in Contest
To learn more about Google Code-in— including rules and FAQs—please visit the site and the Getting Started Guide.